
Welcome to the FARMINFIN training platform. Our training material aims to train farmers with knowledge, skills and competences to implement innovative financing means tailored adequately for their own farm, entrepreneurial approach and personal circumstances. With FARMINFIN you will be able to understand and use innovative financing!

Welcome to the FARMINFIN training platform. Our training material aims to train farmers with knowledge, skills and competences to implement innovative financing means tailored adequately for their own farm, entrepreneurial approach and personal circumstances. With FARMINFIN you will be able to understand and use innovative financing!
Guidelines for the use of the training platform: The FARMINFIN project provides farmers with knowledge, skills and competences to implement innovative financing means tailored adequately for their own farm, entrepreneurial approach and personal circumstances.
practice areas
Summary Guide
This guide is an introductory document that will show you the actual situation of innovative financing in family farms in Europe.
The catalogue consists of a hands-on list of examples to understand the range of possibilities offered by innovative financing.
You can draw inspiration from a selection of 17 best practices of innovative financing schemes in the farming sector.
Theoretical content has been divided into 5 training modules with self-assessment tools.
The objectives of the training platform are to:
- Provide an open access training programme to equip farmers with the needed competences for the implementation of innovative financing means tailored adequately for his own farm, entrepreneurial approach and personal circumstances.
- Foster professional handling of innovative financing means by farmers.
- Strengthen economic and socio-economic viability of family farms.
- Deliver added value to rural development.